Awesome & powerfull landing for your software library

An awesome & powefull JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Zip-archive with production version, all sources and addons.


Super Architecture

Modular, realiable, OOP, simple fast, for scalable client-side code.


No Dependencies

Independent of any third-party libraries or frameworks.

Opened File

Well Documented

Each component and module has descriptions and API.


Real Life Tested

We use it in our work. On this site too for the front and admin.


Awesome isn't it? Let's dive in!

Install packages with npm or other methods. Package will be installed to components/ directory and ready to use for your project.

$ npm install -g ehya.js|

$ bower install -g ehya.js|

$ Yarn install -g ehya.js|

$ NuGet install -g ehya.js|

$ spm install -g ehya.js|

$ meteor install -g ehya.js|

icon Requires  node,  npm and  git

icon Latest release  v1.8.9

icon Requires  node,  bower and  git

icon Latest release  v2.3

icon Requires  node,  Yarn and  git

icon Latest release  v1.01.2

icon Requires  node,  NuGet and  git

icon Latest release  v3.5.0

icon Requires  node,  spm and  git

icon Latest release  v3.2.19

icon Requires  node,  meteor and  git

icon Latest release  v7.007.1

Powerfull javascript library ever

An awesome & powefull JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Independent of any third-party libraries or frameworks.


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Explore about our awesome features

An awesome & powefull JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Independent of any third-party libraries or frameworks.


Simple usage

Our library makes things simple like never before, by preferring code over configuration.

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Efficient builds

Using the power of node streams, first gives you fast builds that don't write intermediary.

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Flexible library

Our library is designed to be agnostic about your setup and style of coding.

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Friendly Syntax

Our library starts from the same syntax that millions of JavaScript developers know today

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Suit for large apps

Using the power of node streams, first gives you fast builds that don't write intermediary.

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Multiple Shape

State of the art JavaScript

Our library offers support for the latest and evolving JavaScript features.

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See all our great sponsors



Relax because we always will be here for you

Our library starts from the same syntax that millions of JavaScript developers know today.

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Our library are simple

Our library makes things simple like never before, by preferring code over configuration.

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Suit for large apps

Using the power of node streams, first gives you fast builds that don't write intermediary.

Advantage icon

Our library are simple

Our library makes things simple like never before, by preferring code over configuration.

Advantage icon

Suit for large apps

Using the power of node streams, first gives you fast builds that don't write intermediary.

How to get started?
Plus Minus

An awesome & powefull JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Makes things simple like never before, by preferring code over configuration.

How to composing with components?
Plus Minus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellat vitae vero possimus, cumque voluptas tenetur?

How to create your own module?
Plus Minus

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veniam magnam et, fugit a optio hic?

Migrate from old version
Plus Minus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque autem commodi ex, ducimus est qui error possimus!

Quote Icon

Builds can be the most awful sinkhole for teams to waste their time with - library is a serious win for any project

Bryan Arnoldy

Bryan Arnoldy

Senior JavaScript Developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquid delectus deleniti fugiat.

John Smith

John Smith


Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas nostrum illum animi eius quaerat?

Teddy White

Teddy White

UI/UX designer

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